Missing teeth can make a person very self-conscious about their appearance. No matter what anyone says, first impressions do count.  A missing tooth can undermine a person’s self-confidence, and can even make someone look older than they actually are. Aside from concerns about appearance and self-esteem, missing teeth can make it difficult for a person to eat and to speak.
There are several options for replacing missing teeth, and one of the most popular of those options is the use of implants. Implants are placed directly in the jaw and do not need adhesives and also do not need to be anchored to other teeth. The implants themselves are made of titanium, which is compatible with your body. In addition, your jawbone will grow around the implant, strengthening its hold on the implant, and the jaw itself.
If you are missing one or more teeth and you are thinking about dental implants, you should make an appointment to see me, Dr. Tontra Lowe at Awesome Smiles Dental Center in Gainesville, Virginia. Before we move ahead with the process, we need to make sure that you are a good candidate.
Implants will work best for people who have healthy gums, enough bone in their jaw to support the implant, and who are committed to good oral hygiene. If a person’s jaws have not stopped growing, or who are pregnant, have diabetes or other complications, take certain medications,  grind their teeth or are tobacco users may want to consider other restoration options.
If you are missing a tooth, or it is just time for your cleaning or exam, call 571-261-2600 today to schedule an appointment. We look forward to seeing you soon!